Parent Support and Consultation

Parents play a vital role in children’s development. Your involvement, unconditional love and caring are the factors your children cannot miss in their path of development. Under the circumstances of modern city life in which characterized with rapid development, high competition and materialism, parents easily lose their direction. Parents would always ask: how to be a “good enough” parent? And, they are deeply worry and anxious when their children encounter difficulties or challenges. Thus, parent support and consultation fit your needs.

Parents’ Consultation

Face to face parents’ consultation that helps you in understanding the development of your child and the unique situation you are experiencing. You may find that your child has some special needs, and can be benefited from specific approaches and emotional understanding through the consultation. You may also find good improvement on parent-child relationship.

Parents’ Education

Parents’ talks and workshops are held regularly on the following topics. If you are interested on the topics, please leave us your information on the page of “Contact Us”. We will contact you as soon as possible in order to provide you with further information about the workshop arrangements and workshop contents for your particular needs.


  • Why Use Play? How Play Does?
  • Play, Learning, and Development for Children
  • Play in Parent-Child Relationship
  • Play and Psychological Development of Children
  • Play and Emotional Development of Children
  • Theory and Practice of Play Therapy
  • Parent Education and Training
  • Children’s Psychological Needs and Challenges – for Special Needed Children

We also have Joined Workshops and Talks with schools. You are most welcome to contact us.

Parent Support Group

We have parent support groups for particular needed families. Currently, we have parent support groups for children with emotional difficulties (e.g. self-hurting, threatening about suicide, frequent crying, frequent screaming, temper tantrum, frequent nightmare etc.). Parents have opportunities to learn effective parenting skills and embrace “good enough” attitude through hands-on experience in a supportive, non-threatening environment.